Step 1: Start an Export
Any of the following end points return a document, which can be used to track the asynchronous export process.
Raw Data Export
Use POST /v1/sensory_tests/export_raw_data to create a document.
export sensory_test_id=102265
export bearer_token=e97d166e046fc7c72ee41f19430eb9210f89df0e8dd94885
curl -X POST "$sensory_test_id/export_raw_data/" -H "authorization: Bearer $bearer_token"
Topline Export - Coming soon!
Step 2 (Optional) Query the document
Use GET /v1/documents/status
of a document while you wait for it to become complete
export document_id=<>
export bearer_token=e97d166e046fc7c72ee41f19430eb9210f89df0e8dd94885
curl -X GET "$document_id" -H "authorization: Bearer $bearer_token"
Step 3 - Download the excel file
Use GET document.download_url to retrieve the finalized excel document
export download_url=<response.document.download_url>
export bearer_token=e97d166e046fc7c72ee41f19430eb9210f89df0e8dd94885
curl -X GET $download_url -H "authorization: Bearer $bearer_token" --output analysis-export.xlsx